Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly growth

We are now 30 weeks. Baby Kevin should be about 17 inches; we all know that he is longer but that is the average for his gestational age. He is getting bigger by the day and is obvious by my growing belly. Also getting bigger daily is his brain, which is preparing for life outside the womb and for a lifetime of learning. Starting this week, his brain is starting to look more like one, taking on those characteristic grooves and indentations. The wrinkles of his brain will allow for future expansion of brain tissue that is crucial as his goes from helpless newborn to responsive infant to verbal toddler to curious preschooler and beyond. HIs bigger and better brain is also starting to take on tasks previously delegated to other parts of the body, like temperature regulation. Now that his brain is capable of turning up the heat (with the help of a growing supply of baby fat) Kevin will start shedding lanugo, the soft body hair that has been keeping him warm up to this point. Which means, no fuzzy baby.

Big Kevin and I discussing nicknames for our son. It's a toss up between Kevin J and Cage (K and J said together). I prefer Cage. Does anybody have any thoughts?


Alright, 2 to the 3 pieces of nursery furniture pieces are put together. The dresser and changing table made it to Japan before the crib. I am happy to have somewhere to place all of Kevin's cute clothes.

Among many other reasons, however today I am happy to have married an engineer. It took about 3.5 hr for the dresser construction. However, we worked like pros on the changing table, completing in in 1hr and 5 minutes. Team Schilling rocks!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Little Kevin is not so little anymore. He is 3 pounds 10 oz and dating 2 weeks too big! The ultrasound showed us that his head is big and legs are long. Hum, I wonder who he gets that from? He is already starting to resemble his father. He should be within 3 inches or so of his birth length, but I don't know if he will follow traditional growing patterns. The majority of his growing should be gaining weight. In fact, over the next 11 weeks he should more than double in weight. Much of the weight will come from fat accumulating. As he plumps up, the room in my womb will start to feel a little cramped. All of this, I hope, will encourage him to enter the world on time and without problems.

Diaper Cake

A great friend made this diaper cake for my baby shower. Thank you to everyone for the amazing shower. I felt very special and and I can't wait to see little Kevin in all the adorable clothes.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

This week, my amazing baby has reached 2 1/2 pounds and is almost 16 inches long. Along with, the tricks in a growing repertoire that already includes coughing, sucking, hiccuping and taking practice breaths, Kevin can now blink his sweet little eyes. Maybe he closes his eyes and dreams about me as I am dreaming about him.

Third trimester here we come!